The LEMA Strap was designed to aid in the rehabilitation of stroke patients with partial lower extremity paralysis. Hemiparesis, or parlysis on one side, can result in a condition know as "foot drop"; making ambulation difficult due to the inability to lift the forefoot. The LEMA Strap serves as a walking assist for stroke rehabiliatation patients. Used as either a rehabilitaion aid, or as a long term walking assist, the LEMA Strap is both affordable and durable.
When properly applied and adusted, the LEMA Strap will assist the wearer to:
- Flex the hip
- Extend the knee
- Dorsiflex the ankle
Other Features:
- Waist strap can be used by attendant as gait belt
- Increased ambulation endurance due to less expenditure of energy
- Universal Sizing - No Left or Right - One size fits all